Top 10 Profitable Business Career Opportunities | BCA | MCA | Jobs

Minding our own business is far better than working under anyone.
                                                                              -The Middle-Class Entrepreneur

Top 10 Profitable Business Career Opportunities | BCA | MCA | Jobs:

   There are different traits of learner who studied programming, but their core interest is towards business, even I'm one of those. A true businessman knows how to transform any idea into a successful business. Moreover, a true entrepreneur is a modified version of a businessman who is always ready to take risks and can turn any scrap idea into a profitable line of business. Doesn't this definition of Entrepreneur excite you? Indeed and it changes for me whenever I explore something new.

Isn't it cool that a programmer or a developer is an entrepreneur too? I'm not talking about myself, in fact considering you. 

If the above paragraph doesn't make sense for you then definitely you need some time with your own-self before moving into any business.

Before you jump to any list I would like to plot a few things that a business is a smooth process to execute if you have the relevant skills, but troublesome to continue where most of the individual fails.

  • Free Lancing:
          This is one of the most followed and proven solution if you want to work on your own. There are thousands of genuine platform where you can take projects as a freelancer and then do it as per your convenience. This is an effective way to generate income, but again here the income type will be active income. If you become a mediator between the developers and the companies (customers) while working as a developer then this too can generate a handful amount of income. 

               * Tremendous opportunities to grab.
               * Best option for Freshers.
               * This will make you more independent.
              * Workflow is not continuous.
              * Payments might delay. 
              * Waste of time if the company is not genuine.

    • Web Designer / Web Developer:

            If you're skilled enough that you can make websites for the customers, then this is the best way to plot yourself into the business. Here you can set a Pvt. Ltd company or a single person company and start engaging with customers. In this line of business, you have to be unique as there are several other people already working in an effective way.

    Taking a project as a web designer/ developer can pay you a minimum amount of $100 in the initial level to $2000 as per the project. 

    Isn't a profitable business?

                      * No work pressure, work on own profile.
                      * Can easily earn a competitive salary.
                      * Not confined to one specific industry.
                      * Ample of opportunities.


                      * Salary date is not fixed.
                      You can never educate yourself completely as the Internet is changing constantly.
                      * You might have to work in a boring project once you                                      committed to generate the outcomes.

    So, if you have a vision and brain as well, then you can see the future.          
    Designer VS Developer

    • Theme Developer:
               This is the business opportunity which is only followed by a moderately skilled professional. No doubt that you will need good skills for this work, no need to worry as every professional once was a beginner. The theme you're looking on this website falls under the premium category, but this is a free version

    Can you guess the original cost of this simple theme?
    Comment below and let me know.
    Theme Developer

    Consider one of these themes, it costs $60 and there were 31,500 sales of this particular theme 'Brooklyn' can you think about the profit figures? Seems fascinating right! But before all these imaginations, the first thing to imagine is learning new things, and later turning into businesses.  

    • Projects Reselling:
            This particular designation need a broader mindset, knowledge as well as patience. This is not an easy thing to proceed with if your module conveys the intention of the betterment in the already existing module then only it will be accepted.
    Mark Zuckerberg created Facebook and it doesn't need any explanation at all, due to its impressive growth by the time.
    However, there is no upper limit of income if you have an intention of updating the existing or creating a wholesome new module for the betterment of individuals.

    • Application Developer:
              The need for a good application developer is growing day by day, there are people ready to pay in thousands of dollars to the app developer even for a simple quality work. The impeccable examples of applications are Instagram, Whatsapp, Tik-Tok, BYJU's, and so on, and everyone is familiar with the business shares of these platforms. Although BCA doesn't have much about this topic, so it's pretty obvious that you have to embrace yourself with App Development Courses. 
    Again, there is no upper limit on income in this work profile as the demand is tremendous and the supply is low.
    It is further divided into more categories, namely Android application, IOS applications, Windows application. 
    A good developer can receive a colossal amount of salary.
    • Teaching:

           This is one of the most promised businesses which is never going to end in the future decades also. BCA is a blend of theory and practice so if you're deciding to go in this sector, then you need to have a broad vision, good intentions and a transparent understanding of the topics. For testing yourself, start teaching your juniors first, if you are successful in creating an impact on that one student only then be happy as the ball is in your court

    Furthermore, start engaging more student, after reaching a good number of students try recording your courses and put it online and sell to your juniors only, this will save your time and help you to deal this other subjects too. 
    In this way, you are likely to cover 3 aspects which are one of the most highly paid profiles in the current era, and they are: 

                                      * E-Book Selling
                                      * Course Selling
                                      * Virtual Academy

    Again in this business model related BCA, there are no upper limits of incomes, all you need is just to make a plan and work on it for 2-3 years without expecting any outcomes

    • Digital Marketing: 
                 The reason for putting this particular category in the very final dot is to grab your serious attention as this is the future of all the marketing. Digital Marketing opens up a colossal slot of employment. The reason why a BCA aspirant interested in business should go for Digital Marketing is transparent if you own business then if you're dependent on someone else there might be possibilities that you end up being frustrated with bleak results, so the simple key is learning how to generate leads for your business. Also, being a technical student it is easy for you to grasp new technology quickly rather than any other student.

    For e.g. Consider that you created an E-Book for the subject ' C ' Programming and this will cost you a maximum of all your knowledge and you set the price at $2 and started marketing your own book. However, the profit will be received and shared by you only. In short, you can save money on marketing

    Also, now after learning digital marketing, you can start your own firm, you can become an SEO expert, Facebook ads expert, and so on. 

    Lastly, this is a profitable course in all views and considering future demands this is going to be one of the highly paid jobs depending upon the output delivery.
    Digital Marketing

    So this was about Top 10 Profitable Business Career Opportunities | BCA | MCA | Jobs. 
    Ask you training and placement (T&P Cell) faculty about all these ideas, they will show you the right path. To reiterate this was the gist idea about the business opportunities after successful completion of graduation in BCA stream. If you know any other idea comment below and share your valuable knowledge with us. If you like this post, share with all your friendsstudentsparents and most importantly to the needy one who is confused about this stream. If you have any doubt regarding the content please feel free to contact us also share your valuable feedback with us.

    Comment your views, our students' opinions are more valuable than anything else. 
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    If you observe and think properly, then there is no need to make you aware of the term 'patience'.
                                                                                    -The Middle-Class Entrepreneur 
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